We have been hearing about the weakening of the rupee in last few days, Irrespective of whether it is a Local Indian fretting about increase in the fuel, interest and food prices because of it, or a happy NRI thinking of making more money by exchange rates, or the great Indian Media happy that they have something to make long news about it, It has been in the news nevertheless.
So It got me thinking as well, and devoured a lot of articles about it thus,If you are keen on why it is falling there is one such interestig explanation here. Athough a person from non-economic background there were some ground truths that hit me, when there is nothing I can do about the falling rupee at the national level it struck me that If do my part and if every Indian does then yeah we could do a great deal about it. There are a lot of small changes that we can easily make in our day to day life which would have huge impact on our nation and us in turn..Also these are the changes that would do a lot good for our health and ecology as well.
I thought Let me make a list of changes that would be great.
1. One of the most common and big impact is petrol and diesel, As the petrol and diesel are traded in $'s and depreciating rupee means you pay more for it, and given that diesel is partially deregulated there is government money going when you drive your luxury diesel car which inturn affect the rupee. Also the increase in transportation would inturn push the inflation high. Thus a small step to take either public commute or common transportation to office and schools, or use bicycle to work would actually save the rupee.
2. In India we take great pride in telling that we are using imported products, Every other conversation you hear, be your neighbor who takes pride in saying that she bought an imported apple or used imported kale and parsley for her soup or your co-worker filling him/herself with so-called sugar filled fresh juices we unknowingly increase the import and thus indirectly cause in rupee fall. Instead using local seasonal vegetables and fruits close to the home while reducing packaged foods would not only help the rupee but also your health, and ease environmental pollution by reducing the carbon footprint by reducing the distance your food travels.
3.India which is known for its variety of culinary dishes with tons of local beverages and foods, It is sad state of affairs to see kids addicted to Coke, Pepsi and burgers, This addiction when increases the obesity of people having it, depletes health of consumers and sadly rupee strength as well.This sugar drink with profit margin is more than 100% is indeed a costly addiction, Going to home made dishes and local drinks like lemonade and lassi's is something which all of us can imbibe.
4. Fashion market has grown very big in India with loads of shopping malls mushrooming in every corner of the city, All the internationally branded clothes and fashion we buy impacts our import and hence the rupee, When the international market craves for Indian made clothes we ourselves look at it with contempt, so next time give desi-brands a try and I'm sure you will not regret.
5. One of the most innocent looking industry is that of beauty products, every channel that you browse, every actress tries to sell some or the other beauty product be it for hair care or face care.
All the fairness cream ad's that come create a false need, We Indians who were once proud of our golden brown to wheatish skin tone are now craving fair skin thanks to those ad's, because they have created a need that to be confident and likable you need to be fair and sadly we fall prey to it. Most of those brands have SLES, parabens etc which are considered a bane for skin health, more about that in another blog, Instead we could use local organic brands which have low margins and thus not widely advertised.Also I plan to talk about organic stuff and DIY's in another blog in here in coming months.
These are very simple steps which you and me can take to save rupee instead of cribbing about it.Do share it. I would add more points if I can think of and I would be glad to take comments on this.