Tuesday, November 3, 2009

one hour with moon and dragonfly

As usual in my late night novel hour when i was engrossed reading james patterson's cat and mouse there came a dragonfly into the room as usual behaviour of the species of animal/plant kingdom is always an enigma to me .

It was fluttering its wings hard with the gusssh sound and was trying hard to get out of the closed window ,I went and opened the next widow for it to go.. As i opened the window as it was a full moon day moon light shining bright trickled down through every possible pore availbale through the window.

Admiring its beauty; when i tried to direct dragonfly to go out of the open window instead of going out it was bent upon going through the closed window I waited for sometime and then it finally stopped and settled there...

It was when i cursed the dragonfly for its stupidity under my breath did i realize that we as human beings are no different than that dragonfly.. We always are so stereotyped and are so blinded by something and always struggling to get it that even when there are better opportunities waiting just to be grabbed we fail to realize it as it is not in the realm of things that we see.

so one has to choose whether it is better to be openminded and act as the moonlight which percolates into every single space and doesnt let an oppurtunity drop and light up self(no physics :D tht it lights itself from sun ;-)) and others rather than be struggling a dragonfly ignorant enough to miss what is out for it ..


  1. Nice post.. comparing the behavior to the behavior of humans was definetly the highlight...

  2. It was a nice read. I am curious. What option would you choose ? Let me point out one thing, walking the talk is hard :)

    btw.. i am Datta, we have quite a few common friends - Pramod, Keerthy, Harini (a few to name). i stumbled upon your blog sometime back, and i have been following it for interesting read. You can find my blogs here -> http://dsvellal.livejournal.com

  3. @dude thanks for the comment
    @Dattatreya thanks for following my blog i hope it makes any sense :)
    will chk your blog ..
    Btw walking the talk may be hard but not trying to walk makes one immobile so my principle is to try.. my success probability will be 0.5 at least :)

  4. This is the 10th edit in my comment :-) In the first 9 edits I had all my 9 valid reasons describing how the comparison is not worth what it sounds.

    Then on a final read I realized maybe I am acting like the dragonfly by not appreciating some good work in here. Nice post, finally :P Sorry about the last smiley. Aadat se majboor :D

  5. Well written! Liked the philosophic interpretation ( which I didn't expect from you at least ;)) . Keep writing such stuffs , more often !!

  6. @bharath Im surprised seeing your comment then my blog must be really good ahem ahem ...:P on top of tht u tried to edit it 9 times my my plz let me knw shortcomings i will improve
    @Siddharth wat do mean x-( u didnt expect it from me atleast , tht im a moron x-(

  7. I guess "at least" was wrongly used , should have been "least of all". I was surprised to know that you like such philosophical musings,primarily, because from the outset you don't appear to be so. Hope that no misunderstanding accrues from this. :-)


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