Friday, September 10, 2010

Race called Life

I am not saying anything new in this blog , but posing a question which we tend to ignore even when we know the answer.

There is an African proverb that reads
Every morning in Africa ,a gazelle wakes up
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed
Every morning a lion wakes up,
It knows it must out run the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.

It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle When the sun comes up you better start running.

I am pretty sure that atleast 9 of 10 of us will be following this proverb day in and day out.

But if you try to introspect do you know what you are running after ? When the lion knows what it is after and gazelle knows what it is running from I'm pretty sure that 7 / 10 of us will not know for/from what we are running.
It so happens that , when we start running we tend to forget what our real ideals and morals were , probably we would have already crossed what we were after even without noticing it in the wake of this run.

Infact I was intrigued by the fact that the rate at which heart ailments among the mid 30 is increasing at alarming rate ,that shows the pressure or stress that we bring upon ourselves .In fact my neck pain which turned out to be something minor was a sort of wake up call i must say.

No I'm not propagating communism saying that every body should remain satisfied with whatever one has and it does not matter if you are poor or miserable as long as everybody else is in the same state.. in fact I'm a hard core ayn rand fan promoting capitalism.

At the same time I want to remind myself and whosoever is reading my blog that probably while running we are prone to taking on every crap because we don't have patience or time to think whether it is good or bad.
writing this I remember a colleague of mine who told that do what you want to do today because twenty years down the lane sitting in your balcony you should not regret about what you did not do today. yes it makes a lot of sense and it goes by principle that if you dont have time to do what you want to do then probably you have not understood your priorities well.

When it not possible to halt it is always ok to slow down , do you remember the details of things around you when you hurried ? or when you took things slow ?. I guess when you slow down you do things better ok now I better stop writing more ,this is more of a remainder to myself to introspect what and why I'm running and re-prioritize if needed.
What are you waiting for put on your thinking cap?


  1. The earth moves at different speeds depending on who you are.

    A Nigerian proverb.


  2. @neo its the practical aspect which make you run no matter what you resolve ...

  3. There are two types of people in the world- reasonable and unreasonable. A reasonable man adopts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.

    -George Bernard Shaw

    That's what I call practicality.


  4. Not necessarily! A pet dog doesn't have to "run",to stay alive, nor do the cows or birds!

    What I am trying to get at is that your parallels are bit skewed between running and not running, while this world has lot more than that! Sitting, rambling, waddling,dragging, jogging :) This is in view of my personal belief of agnosticism, as per which I don't know all , nor do I claim to...

    Now about pausing and asking, I will go with Neo's Nigerian proverb and just move at my speed! What only matters is being conscious of it!! :)


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