Thursday, January 23, 2014

Big Bang - Universe and some random thoughts...

I have always wondered why sunset and nightsky makes me elated and sad at the same time, so when lot of thoughts were running in my mind reading this cartoon strip on xkcd came to me as a surprise, there is nothing as pleasant as the awareness that your craziness is shared.
Ok I guess i might have spilled enough beans to tell that i'm talking about universe.It's no surprise that it is coming just after I read simon singh's Big Bang theory, It would be an under-statment if I said I love his books!, It is the same amalgamation of history and science in all his books be it Fermat's last theorem/Code Book that grips me. Also I just happened to see this video about the magnitude of universe. Coming back to universe and his book, It covers quite a lot about how the cosmology has evolved and big bang theory was arrived at, but then it all stops into that assumption of primordial atom, expansion of which gave rise to space and time, It amuses me that science based on the inferential logic has to always stop at that, and fall back to meta physics or philosophy and still resort to never ending debate of that vs this.Only complaint i have about the book is that it completely ignore the beautiful concept of time and universe in the vedas, which you can read here.

Ideally when one looks the night sky there is an overwhelming feeling of humbleness and all the troubles seem to just seem like a whiff of dust(pun intended), truly the first thought that comes is, does really things matter ? and then what makes one motivated to live and keep morality ? , may be that is why there came the concept of karma theory or 72 virginal women waiting in heaven
or the judgmental day , so that one has something to look for or playing with the
factor of fear.

But there should be something more rational to have driven billions of people over years to have lived and propagated, this question is well captured in yaksha prashne that when yaksha asks yudhistira what wonders him most and yudhistira replies "Day after day countless people die. Yet the living wishes to live forever" .

so when you look further into gita krishna says

नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः .
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः २.२३
( Weapons cannot destroy it, fire burns It not, water moistens It not, wind dries It not)
The closest fit that comes to this definition in science is energy, as it is fundamental from the law of conservation of energy we as in the miniscule entity as that source of energy live on forever, so our actions matter after all!  Just like how a slight imbalance in air pressure or a small corruption in memory can crash a plane or a system respectively, we matter in the greater scheme of things. Just to think that one is responsible in the evolution of universe is good enough reason to live on in the present and not worry about day to day problems. You have a role to play remember :-).

At the end of the day Existence Exists !

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