Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nandini - part 2

I had Initially written about Nandini a long time back, I just got an idea of recreating it. Nandini is a fictional character I have created, I like to discuss some observation and my naive philosophy via her.

Nandini thought that things would finally fall in place, least did she assume that the whole world she had created would come tumbling down. When it did, she didn't know what to do.
After all she was not prepared.
But then life doesn't wait for someone to be prepared to place a blow? Or does it?

It was raining very heavily outside but only she knew that her tears were pouring faster than the rains. When there were no more tears to shed, she did what she knew best... devouring all the books to find meaning to life(was she kidding?).
Why does life always have to be a mystery ? or is it that we don't see it  and make a mystery out of it?
Like how our vision is restricted to electromagnetic spectrum, are our perception and thoughts also limited, which needs some other dimension to be comprehended ?

As she was looking out of the window and when her thoughts wavered like the ruffle of leaves in rain, she remembered that It is said that you don't go in search of a Guru, but a Guru finds you.
Like ways her mind was as ready as a hot iron which is ready to be molded.

she had heard right since her childhood one of  vivekananda's quote that  "Faith can move mountains" It did not make much sense for her though, How can you move a physical object with something virtual ? Funny isnt it ? But Einstien with his relativity comes to resue, sometimes she wondered if  theory of relativity is more philosophical than physics, But then isnt philosophy and physics
the distinction created by the same restricted mind and duality does not exist in nature :-) ?

Well she then picked up yogavashishta a book with teaching of vasistha to rama,  One of the most profound statement made in the book was that there is nothing called existence, world is as you see it/create it. Come on that should be idiotic, if i am creating it then why is the whole world around me also  seeing the same as I do? But a thought came to her mind, isn't it true that
in dream we create a whole new world and only when we wake up we realize it was a dream not otherwise, in a dream you would always think it is reality.

It was only later when she listened to bhagavat geetha she started seeing a pattern,to her surprise even the geetha said that for a yogi it is night when it is day for others, what are you kidding me ?? was her first thought, how can it be and what it means was elusive to her, but thanks to zen habits she had subscribed, there came a copyleft  book by leo babuta, Titled "Little book of contentment", which was a momemt of realization for her. The book said if someone has a problem with you, they are dealing with their own problems than with yours. It also said something very convincing you can only give what you have,not otherwise, so it occured to her that the world is what you create it, It is just set of boundaries one creates is what defines the world, when the person or his vision itself does not exist world ceases to exist for that person, which exactly means what was stated in geetha too. Its not for neigh is it said that the world is what you see in mirror, So she looked at herself and smiled, all set to start a new world for herself where there was contentment.

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